Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Friends and Family,

I have based these kits on a variety of scenarios, hoping to never have to use them. I believe that you should prepare for the most likely needs first.  For example, you would likely have a simple power outage and need a flashlight, compared to an emergency requiring a ham radio. Band-aids before sutures. All important to have just a matter of prioritizing your purchases.

My kits have been put together in a modular or layered fashion. This enables one to pick up what you can, take more if you have time, discard if necessary, and still remain mobile and entirely contained. Each of my kit's focus on these elements - Water, Food, Shelter, Heat, Tools.

I have focused on minimizing waste, size, and weight - e.g. a single use packet instead of a tube of antibiotic. Many of the items in my kits are inexpensive. One needs to balance expense, quality and need. For example, a $2 folding knife in the 72 hour kit is better than nothing, and it is difficult to spend $100 on a knife that is going to sit in the garage. I have started with inexpensive items, and then improved them over time. I put my best equipment in my EDC kit. My recommendation would be to spend more money on your main tools, knife, multitool, fire, shelter, shoes. I keep these main tools on the edges of my pack so that I can use them for other things too,

Where to get this stuff?  Look at the links in the library tab.  Most of the things in my kit are available locally at Emergency Essentials, Walmart, Smiths, Cabelas.

My Three Kits
EDC - Every day carry.  This is what I carry every day.
Car Kit - This is what I keep in the car for emeregencies.  I also include items that when combined with the EDC would help get me home, assuming that there is an emergency that will not allow me to travel in the vehicle.
72 Hour Kit - It is designed as if one is unable to reside in their home, and for a limited time only. We found that we initially had more than we really needed, but less than we would like to have to make things a little easier.
Three Week Kit - Adds items like toiletries, cooking, and supplements food, first aid, etc.

Duplication - I think it is important to have backup for items where possible - e.g. Fire - matches, butane lighter, striker. e.g. Knives - camp knife, small folder, multi tool, tool card.


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